Exchange cryptocurrency
Going through crypto exchanges can be time-consuming and complex, so we've cut out the fat. Get access to cryptocurrencies in seconds at the touch of a buttonExchange 5 cryptocurrencies
Instantly exchange any of our 30 currencies directly into Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and XRP, and all without breaking a sweat.

Get access in seconds
Opening an account with us takes just minutes, and because we don’t believe in branches, you can set one up directly from your phone.

Get real-time rates and alerts
Check out our real-time cryptocurrency graphs showing you our current rates, and set up price alerts for when your cryptocurrency hits a certain value.

Send crypto without any hidden fees
Transfer any of our five supported cryptocurrencies to other Revolut users in seconds with no hidden fees

You must be satisfied that this crypto offering is suitable for you in light of your financial circumstances and attitude towards risk before starting. The price or value of cryptocurrencies can rapidly increase or decrease at any time (and may even fall to zero). The risk of loss in holding cryptocurrencies can be substantial. Funds received by us in relation to cryptocurrency transactions will not be safeguarded (under the UK Electronic Money Regulations 2011) or covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. We do not make any representation regarding the advisability of transacting in cryptocurrency. We cannot guarantee the timeliness, accurateness, or completeness of any data or information used in connection with you holding any exposure to cryptocurrencies.
*Revolut's cryptocurrency service is not regulated by the FCA